Multicultural Skills Training

from $400.00

This course transcends traditional academic theory; it represents a groundbreaking methodology that redefines your engagement with counseling, leadership, and communication in our increasingly diverse society. We will elevate your understanding from a mere recognition of cultural differences to mastering the intricacies of multicultural competence. Through this transformative journey, you will acquire essential skills, enhance your cultural awareness, and emerge with a profound comprehension of the populations you serve.

By the conclusion of this course, you will:

  • Posses the confidence to navigate cultural variances adeptly,

  • Be able to cultivate effective environments conducive to growth and mutual understanding in your practice, despite cultural issues.

  • Have a stronger approach to whatever cultural dynamic you are facing at work or in your multicultural family.

    Our training is distinguished by its unique approach, as we move beyond the social justice framework often associated with multicultural skills. Instead, we integrate the intercultural model with the theory of change, offering you a powerful toolkit of competencies that stand independently while also incorporating the best elements from established multicultural methodologies.

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Note: The base price includes transportation and add-ons for local training up to 12 participants. Consider the formula for customized needs: Base price + Traveling Cost + Add-Ons = Total Price.

Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs and how we will best champion these things for you.